Aim and scope
The aim and scope of CTD (Clinical Trials in Dentistry) is to publish clinical articles related to the science and practice of dentistry and related areas. The goal is to provide updated evidence-based information to help clinicians in making the best decision for their patients.
The focus is on reliable clinical articles. Manuscripts describing clinical conditions, patient management, clinical experience, treatment and diagnostic procedures or techniques, economic evaluation, new products and methods are welcome. All Priority is given to high-quality studies. Please when preparing any manuscript consult the EQUATOR website ( for the latest information on how to report a health research manuscript. This procedure is essential in order to speed-up the process of refereeing your manuscript minimising the risk of rejection. EQUATOR is the acronym for Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparancy Of health Research and it is a Network website aimed to help authors to properly reporting their health research studies. After selecting the their “Resource Centre”, please click on the “Library for health research reporting” and you will access a comprehensive list of reporting guidelines, listed by study type.manuscripts are peer-reviewed.