Ethics and malpractice

Publication ethics and malpractice statement

Conditions of submission and copyright issues
Before the submission, please remind that:

  • Manuscripts are considered for publication with the understanding that they do not contain previously published material, have not been published previously and are not currently under review at another journal or elsewhere.
  • The authors of manuscripts that include illustrations, tables and/or sections of text that have been published previously elsewhere must request permission to reproduce the material from the copyright holder. This permission must be presented in written form during submission of the manuscript. In the absence of such permission, all material received will be regarded as the authors’ own work.
  • Any article affiliations should represent the institution(s) at which the research presented was conducted and/or supported and/or approved. For non-research content, any affiliations should represent the institution(s) with which each author is currently affiliated.
  • All the manuscripts that do not respect the authors’ guidelines will be resent to the author. o Manuscripts that report the results of research conducted on human subjects must include a declaration in the Methods section that the study protocol was approved by the competent Ethics Committee, in accordance with the ethical standards established in the Declaration of Helsinki of 1946 (World Medical Association. World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki: ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects. JAMA 2013 Nov 27;310(20):2191-4. Doi: 10.1001/jama.2013.281053), and that informed consent was obtained from all participants before enrolment in the study. All details that could reveal the identity of a patient (including initials of the patient’s name and unnecessary reference to personal data such as occupation and residence) must be omitted from the text and illustrative materials. The patients must provide written informed consent to the publication.


Review procedure

The decision to publish a manuscript is based on the peer-revision and acceptance of an article will be based on criteria of originality, relevance, and scientific content of the contribution. Manuscripts are rapidly, strictly and fairly peer- reviewed by international experts on our Board of Reviewing Editors and other members of the international community. Specifically, Clinical Trials in Dentistry applies a transparent, fair and constructive review process. Each manuscript will be thoroughly evaluated by at least two expert referees beyond our editors. Authors may be requested to modify the text based on the comments of reviewers, to which they should respond point by point. Statements made in the manuscripts are the responsibility of the author and not of the editor. The opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authors and may not reflect the position of the editors.


Publication timing

Preliminary decision about the possibility to be accepted: 7 days
Time to the first decision: approximately: 30 days
Time to the final disposition: 45 days

We are committed to publishing papers as quickly as possible, while maintaining scientific excellence and rigor.



In scientific writing and publishing, plagiarism most often occurs when ideas or key phrases are taken from a literature source and the source is not cited.

Clinical Trials in Dentistry does not tolerate plagiarism in any of its publications. The author is responsible for what he publishes, any article submitted to the journal that will be considered in part or totally copied from another article will not be considered for publication.

We expect our readers, reviewers and editors to raise any suspicions of duplicate or redundant publication, either by contacting the relevant editor or by emailing:


Clinical Trials in Dentistry follows the following standards:

i) Journal policies on authorship and contributorship

The corresponding author is responsible for all the information reported into the manuscript, from the list of the authors (to prevent ghost/gift-guest authorship) to the availability of data. The corresponding author should gain consent by all co-authors for the submission of the manuscript. Not gaining consent from each author for submission could lead to involuntary misconduct.

The involvement of scientific (medical) writers or anyone else who helped with the preparation of the manuscript content should be acknowledged, along with their source of funding.

For more information visit ICMJE’s webpage:


ii) How the journal will handle complaints and appeals

If the authors wish to ask the Editor to reconsider a rejection of a manuscript, they are allowed to do so. They have to contact the Editorial Office providing a formal letter of appeal, which will be forwarded to the Editor in Chief. Only one appeal is permitted for each manuscript. The authors can appeal only in the case they can demonstrate the existence of an error which took place during revision process or if some fundamental additional data can be provided.

iii) Journal policies on conflicts of interest / competing interests

A conflict of interest can be financial or non-financial. It rises when the authors’ interpretation/presentation of data/information may be influenced, or just perceived as influenced, by personal or financial relationship with other organizations. Authors must disclose any financial competing interests and any non-financial competing interests.

Some examples of interests:

  • Research funding (includes funds received or pending for research in which authors were the principal investigator, collaborator, or consultant).
  • Other research support (includes receipt of drugs, supplies, equipment, or other in-kind support).
  • Honoraria (includes fees received for speaking during symposia and other meetings or occasions).
  • Ownership interest (includes stocks or stock options; partnership, membership, any rights in any patent or other intellectual property).

The presence or the absence of conflict of interests must be clearly stated in the title page. The Conflict of Interests intends to specify all financial, personal and professional relationships that could be a conflict of interest or could be perceived as a conflict of interest or could affect the study of the author. Once the issue will be online, all the declarations will appear in a specific paragraph entitled “Conflict of Interests”. If authors declare no conflict of interests, a default sentence will be report: “The authors declare that they have no conflict of interests”. In case of conflicts, an ad-hoc sentence will be prepared. The authors will be held responsible for any false declarations or noncompliance with the instructions specified above. The editorial office reserves the right to reject any manuscript that does not conform to the above-described instructions.

iv) Journal policies on data sharing and reproducibility

It is encouraged that all datasets on which the conclusions of the article rely should be available to readers upon request. Submission of a manuscript to Clinical Trials in Dentistry implies that any data materials described in the manuscript will be freely available to scientists wishing to use them for non-commercial purposes. For datasets containing clinical data, authors have ethical and legal responsibilities to protect the privacy and the identity of participants.

v) Journal’s policy on ethical oversight

Data falsification and fabrication: Data falsification means to manipulate data, images, not convenient results, with the intention of giving a false impression, for example increasing the scientific quality of the study. Any doubt regarding data integrity will be referred to the Editor in Chief. The Editor in Chief may request the data for inspection or verification. If the original data cannot be provided, the manuscript will be rejected or retracted, depending on the cases.

Misconduct/plagiarism: Authors should declare any potentially overlapping publications on submission. Any overlapping publications explicitly identified should be cited. In case of doubt, the Editors shall require explanations and the full access to the used documents, such as the signed consent forms. The Editors can also proceed with an independent revision of the manuscript to ascertain if the manuscript meets the ethical standards. If any problem emerges, the authors and the institution where the study was conducted will be consulted and updated about the results of such review. The manuscripts could be rejected in case of serious misconduct. Furthermore, in case of serious proven misconduct, all authors of the indict article shall be banned from future publication in Clinical Trials in Dentistry.


vi) Journal’s policy on intellectual property

Clinical Trials in dentistry does not impose any fees or Author Publication Charges (APC).

There are no submission charges, no charges for rejected/accepted articles, no revision charges, no charges based on the length of a manuscript or type of a manuscript, no supplement charges for the presence of figures/tables or supplementary files, and no fees to publication. The process, from submission to publication, is entirely free.


Assignment of publishing rights

The authors assign to “Edra S.p.A” the copyright of the manuscript (government authors not electing to transfer agree to assign an exclusive publishing and distribution license) and any supplemental tables, illustrations or other information submitted therewith that are intended for publication as part of the manuscript in all forms and media (whether now known or hereafter developed), throughout the world, in all languages, for the full term of copyright, effective when and if the article is accepted for publication by signing a Journal Publishing Agreement (JPA).

This transfer includes the right to provide the Article in electronic and online forms and systems.

Articles may sometimes be accepted for publication but later rejected in the publication process, even in some cases after public posting in “Articles in Press” form, in which event all rights will revert to the author.


Revisions and addenda

The author understands that no revisions, additional terms or addenda to this Agreement can be accepted without the express written consent of Edra S.p.A.


Note: authors at institutions that place restrictions on copyright assignments or that assert an institutional right to distribute or provide access to the works of institutional authors, must obtain an express waiver from those institutions releasing the author from such restrictions to enable the acceptance of this publishing agreement.


Retention of Rights for Scholarly Purposes

The author retains or hereby granted (without the need to obtain further permission) the Retained Rights, and that no rights in patents, trademarks or other intellectual property rights are transferred to Edra S.p.A.

The Retained Rights include:

  • the right to use the Preprint or Accepted Author Manuscript for Personal Use, Internal Institutional Use and for Permitted Scholarly Posting; and
  • the right to use the Published Journal Article for Personal Use and Internal Institutional Use,


but in each case as noted in the definitions excluding commercial use or systematic distribution (unless expressly agreed in writing by Edra S.p.A).


vii) Journal’s options for post-publication discussions and corrections

Unsolicited letters from readers regarding unclear or controversial aspects of any printed article can be published, always together with an invited reply of the authors, at discretion of the Editor in Chief. The Editor in Chief will consider only those matters which are relevant to the interpretation of the study or could significantly alter the results.

Noticed errors that could affect the interpretation of the study will be corrected. In case of major errors which have severely altered the results, a corrected version of the full article could be re-published in substitution of the original published version. In any case a note will be added on the online version of the corrected article explaining the corrections implemented.



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